Recommended Reading

The Lutheran Study Bible

concordia-bible-handbookConcordia Bible Handbook

my-first-hymnalMy First Hymnal

The Lutheran Confessions

The Small Catechism by Martin Luther

my-first-catechismMy First Catechism

Lutheranism 101

The Spirituality of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals by Gene E. Veith

Dying to Live: The Power of Forgiveness by Harold Senkbeil

The Defense Never Rests: A Lawyer’s Quest for the Gospel by Craig Parton, 2ndedition

Why I Am a Lutheran by Daniel Preus

The Fire and the Staff: Lutheran Theology in Practice by Klemet Preus

What They Need to Hear: Sharing Christ with Family and Friends by Klemet Preus

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

History, Law, and Christianity by John Warwick Montgomery

The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis

The Problem of Suffering: A Father’s Hope by Gregory Schulz

Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification by Oswald Bayer

God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in all of Life by Gene Veith

Working for Our Neighbor: A Primer on Vocation, Economics, and Ordinary Life by Gene Veith

Christian Freedom: Faith Working through Love by Martin Luther

Kingdom, Grace, Judgement: Paradox, Outrage, and Vindication in the Parables of Jesus by Robert Farrar Capon

Handling the Word of Truth: Law and Gospel in the Church Today by John Pless

Praying Luther’s Small Catechism by John Pless

The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton

Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton

scriptural-baptismScriptural Baptism by Uuras Saarnivaara

Heaven on Earth: The Gifts of Christ in the Divine Service

The Christian Life: Cross or Glory? By Steven Hein

Has American Christianity Failed? By Bryan Wolfmueller

Hallmarks of Lutheran Theology by Alvin Schmidt

Beautiful Savior

is a traditional Lutheran Church, faithful to God's Word and His Sacraments. We equip God's people to serve, love, and encourage one another as we grow in our personal relationship with Christ. We reach out to the community as beacons of light, sharing the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Savior.

Church Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30am-3:30pm

The office is closed on Fridays

Preschool Office Hours

August - May
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

By appointment only June and July


2306 Milton Way
Milton, WA 98354
(253) 922-6977
(253) 922-6977